Monday, August 1, 2011

Eye on the Prize - In Genius, the Job MUST Be Done...

In mulling over some of the letters that Beethoven wrote, I am gripped by the level of determinism and the illimitable power of the core of the creative thrust that a Beethoven possesses.
For the great composer to have become totally deaf by way of a process that tortuously required years for consummation is Tragedy of the highest magnitude; however, be reminded that there were other issues in his life that must have been of great travail as well. His struggle with various lawyers to gain full support of his nephew Karl, after Beethoven's brother Carl died; a struggle born of the fear that the composer held about Karl's mother and her attendant social and moral weakness - well, letter after letter tells us of the struggle Beethoven experienced, the sad result being that the young Karl eventually threw his hands up, and enlisted in the army.
In addition, Beethoven had constant problems in the publication of many of his works, as in those days legal protection had many holes in its process that we no longer witness in today's legal systems in the West. More than once Beethoven rather despondently remarks about the "pock-marked" morality of many English publishers.
To be brief, deafness was only one of a clutch of monsters in his daily consciousness which, in the end, and as we well know, did not deter his gift that forms the miracle we can experience any day of our lives.



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