Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Music of Ron Goodwin - Don't Know Him? Read On...

Ron Goodwin was a British composer, who became well-known, especially during the latter half of the 20th century, in England. He actually took over for the eminent British composer William Walton, in the art of composing movie music. "Where Eagles Dare" comes to mind as one of his films.
Most notable to me is his music for four films dealing with Miss Marple, arguably the best known character created by Agatha Christie.
This particular series centers  around the delightful character actress Margaret Rutherford, who alters the persona of Jane Marple by way of comedic nuance rather than the classic, somewhat dowdy little spinster that the authoress gives to the reader in her many mysteries centering around Miss Marple.
The music that Goodwin attaches to these five films is quite perfect, in that it offers not a  particle  of depth, nor entrenched  drama; actually, not much more than a doff - of - the - hat to Paderewski's Menuet and the attendant "correctness" of social demeanor, regardless of the murder or mayhem that may flavor the story that Christie so masterfully promulgates.
So, unlike my doffing of the hat to Profundity and Power of Beethoven-like boundlessness, I  take my cravat off to Ron Goodwin, whose music in this series lends itself quite perfectly to Margaret Rutherford's version of one of literature's enduring characters.



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