Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some Thoughts About a Recent Concert...

After listening to the recording of the Feb. 11th concert, performed by Ricardo Odriozola, violinist, and Einar Rottingen, pianist, which I have already written about, some thoughts emerged:
The three local composers represented(I was one of them) all projected an aspect of the art of writing that formed a common bond; that being, the importance of a strong and undeniable attachment to the melodic line, and I was struck by this.
After all, the three of us were writing independently, with no idea as to what any one of the three were doing. None of us had had any contact whatsoever with one another; and, for me, it was gratifying to be witness to a kind of common bond concerning the Line, even though the stylistic views differed, as would normally be the case - after all, each of us is truly a fingerprint.
It rather gratified me, as it certified the reality of Melody, during the Age of Transition the composer has been going through for many years. One has to wonder if another Bach, one day, will appear as the great Synthesizer - one can only speculate...

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