Sunday, February 24, 2008

My Latest Suggestion for Your Listening Pleasure

The Tchaikowsky Piano Concerto is, of course, one of the most often performed and recorded works in the past seventy years. The epic performances of Horowitz and his father-in-law, Arturo Toscanini, are among the most memorable.
I must tell you that I stumbled onto a recording made in 1955 that comes across as one of the most thrilling among the numerous recordings.
The pianist is Emil Gilels, who at the time of the recording was undergoing his first experience in America, and taking his audiences by storm.
Born and trained in Russia, the pianism of Gilels is immense. As a student, I recall seeing him just once, and it was an unforgettable experience for me. He was one of the first Russian artists I remember hearing who had a great command of Mozart and Beethoven.
At any rate, his playing of the Tchaikowsky is one of the most luminous and searching readings that I can remember. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, under the legendary conductor Reiner, complement the piano aspect wonderfully well.
I recommend your looking for this recording, as it is one of the more important contributions serving Tchaikowsky.

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